8 Replies to “About”

  1. My name is Karen Niffenegger, I’m trying to find out what I can about the Niffenegger family. My grandpa Bernie Niffenegger and grandma Leta Conkel Niffenegger lived on Phoenix St.
    My grandpa owned Niffenegger’s Market down town. My dad Bernie A Niffenegger moved to St. Charles, Mi. for his job. He passed away in 1965. He is burried in North Shore Memorial Garden. I love the town of South Haven and haven’tbeen back for about 10 years. I am going down on 6/26/15 to visit my dad and grandparents.
    If you have any information about the family I would love to find out about them.
    Thank you, Karen Niffenegger.

    1. I know of a few relatives in the area, but not really well. I believe they built the Eagle Street building that we used to rent, but I’m not sure about that. Have you asked the Historical Association of SOuth Haven? Ed Appleyard is a great resource for this stuff. http://historyofsouthhaven.org/

  2. I have a large genuine walnut Overton Original Bentwood tray made by the S.E. Overton Co.
    I never had heard of this company since it was in So. Haven,Michigan I was trying to see if they were still
    in business. It has been passed down from my grand mother to my mother to me and I am 82.
    It was nice to know about the company
    Thank you for having this information listed in your records. Jo-Ann Garvin New Jersey.

    1. You’re welcome! We really sharing and learning about the piano factory history! Thanks for sharing your story, too.

  3. This past summer during your music festival on the river there was a young man who was a one man band. He was using a loop pedal to lay down tracks and kept building with his acoustic guitar and vocals. Some one told me he was from Florida and hangs out is SW Michigan in the summer then returns towards warmer climate? Can you tell me his name and if he has a face book page or website?

    1. Hey Rocky,

      Nate Holley is from Florida and now lives in Saugutuck. You should definitely look him up on Facebook he plays around southwest Michigan quite a bit.

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