Teen Open Mic 11/14

Teen Open Mic is really a gratifying experience for Us at Foundry Hall.  It is like the epitome of build it and they will come and they won’t just show up and watch, but they will be creative and interesting, supportive and friendly.  This month we had a few new teens (we get a few new ones each month) including Zach, who is now interested in helping Evan with sound set up and hosting.  (YAY!)  FH brought in Jean Raabe and her steel pans (drums) for the teens to learn and play and we had a lot of fun with that!  I say we because the adult FH volunteer played quite a bit, which I usually try not to do so as to not inject too much adult into things.


If you haven’t come to a teen open mic yet (and you are a teen or pretty close) you should join us!  It’s the second Thursday of the month in the art studio behind the very generous Rock ‘n’ Road Cycle on Broadways.  (Thanks again, Scott and Erin, for letting us use this space once a month!)


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